Safe Load Indicator for Backhoe Loader

Display: Alphanumeric digital display 16*2”
Sensors: Pressure Sensor
Relay: 1 no. Potential free relays
Power Supply 24 VDC / 12 VDC
Operating Temperature Range: 0ºC to 60ºC
Storage Temperature Range: (-) 20º C to 80º C
Accuracy of the System: +/- 5 %
IP Rating : IP 65 ( For Display)

Safe Load Indicator for Backhoe Loader

In today’s construction industry, ensuring safety and accuracy while operating heavy equipment is crucial. One essential tool that guarantees this is the Safe Load Indicator for Backhoe Loader. Designed to monitor load limits and provide real-time data to operators, this system helps prevent accidents and overload, making it an indispensable part of modern machinery.


The Importance of a Safe Load Indicator for Backhoe Loaders

A Safe Load Indicator (SLI) for Backhoe Loaders is a device that measures the load being lifted and compares it to the machine’s safe working load capacity. If the load exceeds this capacity, the system warns the operator, reducing the risk of tipping or overloading. The Load Moment Indicator (LMI) works similarly, monitoring the machine’s moment (the product of the load and its distance from the pivot point) to maintain safe operations.

When you equip your backhoe loader with a Backhoe Loader SLI, you’re not just ensuring safety; you’re enhancing productivity by allowing operators to work confidently within safe parameters.


Key Features of the Backhoe Loader SLI System

The Backhoe Loader Load Indicator System has several features that make it vital for safe and efficient operation. These include:

  • Real-time monitoring: Provides live feedback to operators regarding the load limits.
  • Automatic warnings: The Automatic Safe Load Indicator for Backhoe Loader gives alerts when the load exceeds safe parameters.
  • Enhanced safety: Helps prevent accidents caused by overloading, improving site safety and reducing downtime.

Having a Backhoe Loader LMI Indicator ensures that both operators and managers can monitor load moments accurately, keeping the machinery within its limits. This leads to fewer mechanical failures and safer work environments.


The Role of Pressure Sensors

A vital component in these systems is the Pressure Sensor. These sensors are designed to measure hydraulic pressure in the machine’s lifting system. Accurate pressure data helps calculate the load being carried, which is critical for the Backhoe Loader LMI to function effectively.

For more information on Pressure Sensors, check out our detailed product page here: Pressure Sensor.


Safe Load Indicator for Wheeled Excavators Cranes

If you’re also operating a wheeled excavator, you might want to explore the benefits of a Safe Load Indicator for Wheeled Excavators Cranes. This system offers the same level of safety and precision, tailored specifically for wheeled cranes.

Learn more about our Safe Load Indicator for Wheeled Excavators Crane here: Safe Load Indicator for Wheeled Excavators Crane.


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